How Delivery Business is Made Easy with UpTeams

How Delivery Business is Made Easy with UpTeams
July 2021

On-Demand parcel delivery with real-time tracking

After COVID-19 crisis every business needs to evolve with technology and time. The delivery business is also not an exception to this rule. The courier industry is a commercial industry, now needs changes that are driving the parcel delivery business to the next level of innovation. The consumer demand also is needed to consider the next turn of the delivery business.

Good news is that by upscaling the business to an on-demand business, the revenue of such businesses can increase rapidly after the market reopen after this crisis. By using efficient UpTeams delivery management software, such on-demand businesses can also increase the productivity and efficiency of their delivery process.

UpTeams is solution that aimed at supporting track and management of delivery business. It offers a comprehensive environment to team real-time location, route planning, custom form and delivery status, lite HRM including attendance, leave, and expense management, which help to increases the overall efficiency of delivery service processes.

Hassle free delivery management

Delivery boys and parcel pick-up boys can be easily manage all leads and delivery; while management track real-time location of field team, delivery & pick-up status, also assign pick-up and define territory to the delivery team and thus it will be time saving and increase efficiency.

Smart Routing

The customers in the present era want delivery service to be fast. UpTeams delivery service management software makes this possible by incorporating smart routing into it. The fastest route possible is calculated and assigned to each delivery trip, whether it is to receive and/or deliver parcel to the customer. Such route optimization is done considering the traffic conditions involved.

Custom forms & fields

UpTeams offers a solution to custom form & fields; delivery and/or parcel pickup boy can fill-up custom forms and required fields on the go. You can set your own custom form/field as per business process, you can easily create unlimited tailor-made form/fields and collects data accordingly in real-time.

Return on Investment

  • Management can get a real-time view on the status of each & every delivery with location tracking of delivery boy.
  • Attendance, leave, expense reimbursement will be hassle free
  • Reduces manual work for custom form fill-up, follow-up, reporting. etc
  • Improve productivity and efficiency of delivery team.

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