Geo Attendance

Geo Attendance

Real-time Geo-Attendance

Manage & track attendance with location tracking at one place

Real-time geo-attendance automatically marks the attendance of the employee along with time and location.

This enables managers’ geo-fencing to track their employee’s location, route and distance traveled, and also provides the Check-In & Check-Out report for accurate active and passive monitoring of every entry/exit of an individual.

Staff Attendance Management

Easy On-Field and Off-Field Staff Attendance Management

In Geo-attendance you can capture real-time attendance of employees with help of UpTeams. 

Now a day mobile apps play a vital role in our lives. Almost Industries are also radically moving towards portable world & management. It can be widely used in any industry, corporate, small or medium enterprise.

Staff Attendance Management
Attendance Reports

Attendance Reports

With help, UpTeams Employees can mark their attendance via the mobile app once they enter the building or start fieldwork or reach a defined location, while management can manage & track records of all employees' Geo-Attendance data along with real time and location.

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